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Blog de STEPIEN Y BARNO – publicación digital sobre arquitectura
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Desde Hic Arquitectura

RESSÒ project is designed by 50 students of the Architecture School of el Vallès (ETSAV-UPC) for the international competitions of universities Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 that took place this summer in Versailles.

RESSÒ is a strategy of urban, energy and social rehabilitation; furthermore it is a teaching tool.

From 2008 Spain is suffering an economical, social and environmental crisis. During the construction boom we were constructing too much, so nowadays there is no demand for new housing. The housing stock in our country is very energetically inefficient. The inequality of our system is responsible of having a lot of people in poverty, without the capacity of paying the energy for living in comfort. European regulations of energy consumption and CO2 emissions make necessary a transformation of the housing sector. We don’t have to continue constructing; we have to rehabilitate our cities.

An energetic rehabilitation is not just the rehabilitation of the dwelling, it is also related to the user and its attitude. RESSÒ is a strategy that spreads a more sustainable way of living, gives comfort conditions and encourage energetic rehabilitations. The materialization and the starting point of the project is a collective house where people do quotidian work. As a consequence, a strengthening of social relations happens. Experimentation and use of the self sufficient building will encourage small energy rehabilitations of the private dwellings in the neighborhood, starting a process of urban rehabilitation. (…)”

Acceder a la información, AQUÍ

Noticia seleccionada por el Canal de arquitectura STEPIENYBARNO.




*Stepienybarno está formado por Agnieszka Stepien y Lorenzo Barnó y desde mayo del 2009 estamos en la red con  la presente publicación digital (Blog) de arquitectura.

Nuestra actividad se sustenta en tres pilares básicos: la investigación, la publicación (comunicación y difusión) y la redacción de proyectos de arquitectura.

A su vez, somos socios cofundadores de SINERGIA SOSTENIBLE, redactores de LA CIUDAD VIVA y directores del blog de FUNDACIÓN ARQUIA.

* Los editores de esta publicación digital no nos hacemos cargo de de los comentarios y  conceptos vertidos en los textos firmados por otras personas, siendo éstos de responsabilidad exclusiva de sus autores.

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