10 Catholic Churches Designed to Uplift and Inspire
Desde: Architizer
» Few works of architecture hold greater weight than places of worship. As landmarks within their contexts, each space is formed around reflection, contemplation and gathering. Designed around symbolism, these buildings draw powerful connections between surface and light, volume and material. Most importantly, worship spaces center on experience. Haptic relationships and spatial sequences combine to create rituals and traditions.
Religious architecture exists across environmental, economic and cultural boundaries. The following collection explores modern Catholicism and contemporary church projects. Moving beyond historic cathedrals and traditional catholic designs, each building utilizes detailing and fenestration to shape experience. Expressing faith both formally and spatially, the projects begin to illustrate how new places of worship can uplift and inspire. (…) »
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* Stepienybarno está formado por Agnieszka Stepien y Lorenzo Barnó y desde mayo del 2009 estamos en la red con la presente publicación digital (Blog) de arquitectura.
Nuestra actividad se sustenta en tres pilares básicos: la investigación, la publicación y la redacción de proyectos de arquitectura.
A su vez, somos socios cofundadores de SINERGIA SOSTENIBLE y directores del blog de FUNDACIÓN ARQUIA.